Facts and Figures
This was 2022
PRIF in the media
Top issues in the media
ConTrust: Peace Politics and Trust in Conflict
May 23, 2022, Frankfurt/Main
Trust is a central and yet often underestimated resource in international relations. The ConTrust project, a joint research initiative between PRIF and Goethe University Frankfurt, investigates the conditions under which trust can be built, especially in conflicts.
The PRIF Annual Conference 2022 on May 23 focused on the topic of trust and discussed its relationship to peace policy from a variety of perspectives.
Publications: Highlights from 2022

AI and arms control
The volume brings together contributions on the influence of artificial intelligence on military developments and arms control, including contributions by Niklas Schörnig and Jana Baldus.
Reinhold, Thomas/Schörnig, Niklas (eds.): Armament, Arms Control and Artificial Intelligence. The Janus-faced Nature of Machine Learning in the Military Realm, Cham: Springer, 2022.

Theories of peace and war
The second volume of the annotated bibliography on the history of theory by the former director of the Institute's library has been published by Nomos-Verlag.
Nitz, Stephan: Theorien des Friedens und des Krieges, Bd. II: 1830-1890, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022.

Research handbook on arms control
The anthology, edited by Eric Myjer and Thilo Marauhn, compiles current perspectives on international arms control agreements, including contributions by Una Jakob and Barry de Vries.
Myjer, Eric/Marauhn, Thilo (eds.): Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law, Cheltenham, Northampon, Camberley: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

Radicalization through social media
The volume, edited by Julian Junk and others, examines the presentation and mobilization of right-wing and Islamist actors, with contributions by Hande Abay Gaspar, Julian Junk, and Manjana Sold, among others.
Birsl, Ursula/Junk, Julian/Kahl, Martin/Pelzer, Robert (eds.): Inszenieren und Mobilisieren: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog, Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2022.

Anthology on right-wing extremism
The volume, edited by Daniel Mullis and Judith Miggelbrink, looks at right-wing extremism beyond urban-rural and East-West polarizations, with contributions by Daniel Mullis and Paul Zschocke, among others.
Mullis, Daniel/Miggelbrink, Judith (eds.): Lokal extrem Rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022.
Journal articles and chapters in edited volumes
Authors | Title | Publication | DOI |
Lentzos, Filippa/Jakob, Una | Chemical, Biological and Health Security Risks | SIPRI Yearbook 2022, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, 473-512. | |
Dembinski, Matthias/Spanger, Hans-Joachim | The Future of the OSCE in the Shadow of Russia‘s War Against Ukraine | Friesendorf, Cornelius/Wolff, Stefan (Hrsg.): Russia's War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE, OSCE Network Perspectives I/2022, 22-25. | |
Deitelhoff, Nicole/Daphi, Priska/Anderl, Felix | Bridges or divides? Conflicts and synergies of coalition building across countries and sectors in the Global Justice Movement | Social Movement Studies, 21(1-2), 2022, 8-24. | |
Witt, Antonia | Beyond formal powers: Understanding the African Union‘s authority on the ground | Review of International Studies, 48(4), 2022, 626-645. | 10.1017/S0260210522000067 |
Baldus, Jana/Fehl, Caroline/Hach, Sascha | NPT 2022: An Opportunity to Advance Nuclear Justice | Global Policy, May 2022, 1-11. | |
Geis, Anna/Opitz, Christian/Pfeifer, Hanna | Recasting the Role of Citizens in Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: Preliminary Insights and a New Research Agenda | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 17(4), 2022, 614-627. | 10.1163/1871191X-bja10136 |
Peez, Anton | Contributions and Blind Spots of Constructivist Norms Research in International Relations, 1980–2018: A Systematic Evidence and Gap Analysis | International Studies Review, 24(1), 2022, 1-33. | 10.1093/isr/viab055 |
Christian, Ben | A threat rather than a resource: why voicing internal criticism is difficult in international organisations | Journal of International Relations and Development, 25(2), 2022, 425-449. | 10.1057/s41268-021-00244-w |
Driedger, Jonas J. | Did Germany Contribute to Deterrence Failure against Russia in Early 2022? | Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 16(3), 2022, 152-171. | 10.51870/TLXC9266 |
Schlegel, Linda | “At least I tried, God damnit” and “Even a drop in the ocean is still more than nothing”: In their own words, what motivates people to work in P/CVE? | Critical Studies on Terrorism, 15(4), 2022, 945-962. | 10.1080/17539153.2022.2089399 |
Baldus, Jana/Müller, Harald/Wunderlich, Carmen | The global nuclear order and the crisis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime: Taking stock and moving forward | Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Special Issue “Crisis of Arms Control”, online first, 2022. | |
Opitz, Christian/Pfeifer, Hanna/Geis, Anna | Engaging with Public Opinion at the Micro-Level: Citizen Dialogue and Participation in German Foreign Policy | Foreign Policy Analysis, 18(1), 2022, 1-20. | 10.1093/fpa/orab033 |
Breznau, Nate/Rinke, Eike Mark/Wuttke, Alexander/Bethke, Felix S. et al. | Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), 2022. | 10.1073/pnas.2203150119 |
Abb, Pascal | All geopolitics is local: The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor amidst overlapping centre–periphery relations | Third World Quarterly, 44(1), 2022. | 10.1080/01436597.2022.2128329 |
Albarracín, Juan/Milanese, Juan Pablo/Valencia, Inge H./Wolff, Jonas Wolff | Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence | An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia, 2022. | 10.1080/03050629.2023.2142218 |
We are PRIF
Composition by status groups/departments
Equal opportunities at PRIF
Status group | Female | Male |
Permanent research staff | 7 | 7 |
Permanent staff in administration and science communication | 16 | 5 |
Management functions in research | 5 | 5 |
Management functions administration and science communication | 1 | 3 |
Fixed-term research staff | 24 | 22 |
Fixed-term staff in administration and science communication | 6 | 2 |
Doctoral students | 12 | 11 |
Global network
Global network: International Cooperations, visiting fellows, and research stays of PRIF in the year 2022.
Map data: Natural Earth/OpenStreetMap. Max Kohler/PRIF
Our visiting fellows in 2022
Name | Institution | Country |
Brian Christopher Rathbun (Visiting professor) | University of Southern California Dornsife | USA |
Manuel Herrera | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Spain |
Celine la Cour | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
Lucy Maycox | University of Oxford | UK |
Steven Silva Salazar | Universidad Externado de Colombia | Colombia |
Shimaa El Sharkawy | University of Cairo | Egypt |
Cecilia Ducci | University of Bologna | Italy |
Luciana Jáuregui Jinés | Autonomous National University | Mexico |
Xie Peixuan | UNDP/Peking University | China |
Nadine Sika | American University in Cairo | Egypt |
Sponsors | Funded project |
Adickes Foundation via Goethe University Frankfurt/GRADE | Grants for PhD students |
Association of the Dioceses of Germany | Arms Export Report of the Joint Conference Church and Development 2022 |
City of Frankfurt am Main | Debattierkünstler*innen |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Elite management and ethnic conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Everyday political subjectification and the rise of regressive politics. Downward mobility, urbanization and the production of space in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Democracy beyond legitimate coercion: Deadly use of force by the police in the Philippines and Brazil |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Legitimacy policy through dialogue forums? Global economic institutions and their critics |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Local perceptions of regional interventions: AU and ECOWAS in Burkina Faso and The Gambia |
European Union | Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (Subprojects e-learning course on non-proliferation, disarmament and EU policies and EU non-proliferation and disarmament internships) |
European Union – Horizon Europe | VORTEX – Coping with varieties of radicalization into terrorism and extremism |
Federal Foreign Office | Doctoral program for young researchers in the areas of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation |
Federal Foreign Office | Study in the name of the Advisory Board on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | African Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices (ANCIP) – Special envoys and civil society |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Compliance with and enforcement of the norms against CBW |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | KURI – Configurations of social and political practices in dealing with radical Islam |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | RADIS – Transfer project social causes and effects of radical Islam in Germany and Europe |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Research Center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe) |
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community | PrEval – Evaluation designs for prevention measures; PrEval Zukunftswerkstätten |
Fondation Avec et Pour Autres | ACONA – Arms control negotiation academy |
Fondation Avec et Pour Autres | Coercion in peacebuilding |
German Foundation for Peace Research | Dealing with contestations and backlashes of gender equality in peacebuilding |
German Foundation for Peace Research | Peace Report 2022 |
Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts via Goethe University Frankfurt | ConTrust: Trust in conflict |
Humboldt Foundation | German Chancellor Fellowship |
Leibniz Association | Drifting Apart: International institutions in crisis and the management of dissociation processes |
Leibniz Association | Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the past” |
Leibniz Association | Leibniz Research Network “Environmental crises – Crisis environments” |
Leibniz Association | Leibniz Research Network “Integrated earth system research” |
Ökohaus Foundation Frankfurt | The Belt and Road Initiative’s impact on conflict states |
Volkswagen Foundation | Struggles over socio-economic reforms: Political conflict and social contention in Egypt and Tunisia post 2011 in interregional comparison |
Organizational Chart
Board of Trustees
Angela Dorn, Hessian Minister of State for Science and the Arts
(represented permanently by State Secretary Ayse Asar)
- Boris Rhein, Minister-President of Hesse
- Dr Uta Grund, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Dr Christina Norwig, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Peter Feldmann, Mayor of the City of Frankfurt
- Prof. Dr Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt
- Dr Paula Macedo Weiß
- Martin Kobler, ambassador (ret.)
Participants in the meetings in an advisory capacity:
- Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Chair of PRIF's Scientific Advisory Board
- Dr Niklas Schörnig, Chair of Research Council
Executive Board
Executive Director
Prof. Dr Nicole Deitelhoff
Deputy Director
Prof. Dr Christopher Daase
Administrative Director
Susanne Boetsch
Permanent board members
- Dr Sabine Mannitz
- Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff
Members elected by Research Council
- Dr Dirk Peters
- Dr Caroline Fehl
Head of IT
- Lars Mausehund
Advisors to the Executive Director
- Dr Cosima Glahn
- Helena Hirschler
Susanne Borchert
Research Council
Dr Niklas Schörnig
Vice Chairmanship
- Dr Regine Schwab
- Dr Daniel Mullis
Scientific Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Berlin
Vice Chairmanship
- Prof. Dr Bernhard Zangl, München
- Prof. Dr Matthias Basedau, Hamburg
- Prof. Dr Annika Björkdahl, Lund
- Prof. Dr Mirjam de Bruijn, Leiden
- Prof. Dr Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Warwick
- Prof. Dr Maria Rost Rublee, Melbourne
- Prof. Dr Arlene Trickner, Bogotá
- Prof. Dr Wolfgang Wagner, Amsterdam
- Prof. Dr Daniel Ziblatt, Berlin
Research department 1International Security
Prof. Dr Christopher Daase
RG Arms Control and Emerging Technologies
Dr Niklas Schörnig (Coordination)
EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium
- Prof. Dr Christopher Daase (Head)
- Dr Niklas Schörnig (Coordination)
Research department 2International Institutions
Prof. Dr Nicole Deitelhoff
RG Public International Law
Prof. Dr Thilo Marauhn (Head)
Leibniz Research Network (LRN) “Environmental crises – Crisis environments”
Dr Stefan Kroll (Coordination)
Research department 3Transnational Politics
- Prof. Dr Nicole Deitelhoff
- Prof. Dr Christopher Daase
RG Terrorism
- Prof Dr Hanna Pfeifer (Head)
RG Radicalization
- Prof. Dr Julian Junk (Head)
Research department 4Intrastate Conflict
Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff
Network “External Democracy Promotion” (EDP)
Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff (Head)
Research department 5Glocal Junctions
Dr Sabine Mannitz
Junior Research Group African Intervention Politics
Dr Antonia Witt (Head)
Leibniz Research Alliance (LRA) “Historical authenticity”
Dr Sabine Mannitz (Head)
LRA “Value of the past”
Dr Sabine Mannitz
Science Communication
Dr Stefan Kroll
Head of Berlin Office
Prof. Dr Julian Junk
Head of Library
Dr Andreas Heinemann
Director of Administration
Susanne Boetsch
Library in figures
- 63,130 books, including 3,119 e-books (excluding national licenses), also approximatley 8,830 bound volumes of journals and over 70,000 documents of gray literature.
New acquisitions
- New acquisitions: 626 titles in print and 561 e-books
Open Access
- Peer-reviewed journal articles in open access: 18, which means 83% could be published open access
- 1 monograph and 1 edited volume in open access.