PRIF Review2022
Yes, you noticed correctly, we have a new logo. Actually, this was already planned for our 50th anniversary two years ago, but the pandemic and its consequences got in the way.
Now, however, the time has come: Going forward, we will be researching the causes of global crises and conflicts primarily under our English name, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. We have not given up a German name, but we have simplified it. We now operate as PRIF – Leibniz-Institut für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in German-language contexts. PRIF Review 2022 is the first publication in which we appear with the new logo. We have taken the opportunity to redesign our annual review as well. This is the first-ever English-language issue of PRIF Review. It offers even more diverse insights into research and transfer and, more than before, it satisfies not only analog but also digital reading needs.
The Russian attack on Ukraine was the defining topic of our work last year. More than ever before, our analyses and assessments were in public demand. In a large number of media reports, analyses and events, we followed the various phases of the first year of the war. Based on our research, we were able to provide impulses for the debates on sanctions, arms deliveries, risks of escalation and the obstacles to negotiated solutions. Together with colleagues from other peace research institutes, we made clear in our Peace Report 2022 how difficult the path to peace would be – and still is – and at the same time how important it is to prepare for peace already in times of war.
PRIF benefits from the diversity of inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives at the institute and from the willingness of colleagues to contribute their knowledge and energy to policy and societal advice on this war. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for their outstanding commitment in the past year, which went far beyond what could be expected. For the messages that derive from our analyses are sometimes complicated and difficult, and more than usual we have also received very critical feedback.
In the wake of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, important foreign and security policy projects were advanced or continued under new premises. Since 2022, for example, a national security strategy has been created for the first time, in the development of which we have been intensively involved as experts. The same applies to the guidelines for a feminist foreign policy, which were adopted at the beginning of 2023. For years now, we have been emphasizing from our work the great importance of gender-specific perspectives in foreign and security policy, and we will continue to treat this topic as a focal point. Finally, we also engaged in consultations and discussions on the planned Arms Export Control Act.
Although at first glance 2022 was primarily characterized by the communication of knowledge, important basic research projects were launched. The research center “Transformations of Political Violence,” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and coordinated by PRIF, began its work and proved to be an important framework for reflection, including on the challenges posed by the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The same applies to the research alliance “CBWNet”, which was also launched this year and deals with strengthening norms against chemical and biological weapons.
Of course, we have not lost sight of the conflicts beyond the Russia-Ukraine war and have repeatedly pointed out that these must not be forgotten or neglected. With the competence network “African Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices” we now have a network for joint research with partners in Africa, through which we can better understand in particular the role of regional organizations in state and intra-state conflicts. Both the escalating civil war in the Tigray region and the unstable situation in West African states illustrate how timely and relevant this research is.
Despite the state of the world, 2022 also held a number of welcome news and successes. Harald Müller, who led and shaped the institute for many years, received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Jonas Wolff accepted a professorship in political science at Goethe University and will hopefully remain with PRIF for a long time. Simone Wisotzki successfully completed her habilitation procedure. Regine Schwab was awarded the Christiane Rajewsky Prize for her dissertation. Finally, PRIF itself awarded a prize for students from Hesse for the first time, which will be offered every two years from now on.
We are pleased to provide you with the opportunity to delve further into these and other topics in our annual review, and wish you an enjoyable reading experience.
Nicole Deitelhoff and Christopher Daase
Facts and Figures
- Award-winning dissertation
Creating Order in the Chaos of a Civil War
In her dissertation, Regine Schwab investigated how various rebel groups cooperated in the Syrian civil war and received the Christiane Rajewsky Prize for her thesis.
- Lessons from the PrEval project
Research and Practice in Dialog
The PrEval project brings together research and practitioners to strengthen evaluation in extremism prevention, civic education, and democracy promotion. Julian Junk shares experiences from the project.
- Research center TraCe starts
Transformations of Political Violence
The research center TraCe investigates whether and how forms of political violence change – for example, in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
- Reform conflicts in Egypt and Tunisia
Justice, Power, Protest
Profile: Irene Weipert-Fenner researches reform conflicts in Egypt and Tunisia. In an interview, she talks about ideas of justice, power struggles and differences between regime types.
- Feminist peace research
Gender, Diversity, Conflict
What actually is feminist peace research? What are the promises of a feminist foreign policy and under what conditions can it succeed? Simone Wisotzki provides insights from research.
- Study on Mali and Niger
A Mission for Peace?
What lessons should we learn from international missions such as those in Mali and Niger? In a study for the Advisory Council on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding, Antonia Witt and Simone Schnabel explore precisely this question.
- International institutions in crisis
Seeking Islands of Cooperation
What happens when states leave international institutions? Does cooperation fail forever? The research project Drifting Apart has analyzed five such dissociation processes.
- Peace Report 2022
How Do Sanctions Take Effect?
The Peace Report 2022 examines the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war and discusses measures to end the war – including the extensive sanctions against Russia.